Σάββατο 15 Μαΐου 2010

Team Durango warns of possible DEX410 Clone

Δεν αργησαν οι Κινεζοι να αντιγραψουν και αυτο το επιτηχυμενο αυτοκινητο (DEX 410)

Dear Team Durango friend,

I would just like to bring to your attention that a Chinese company is testing the market interest in a DEX410 copy – we have no idea if this car has been made yet or if they are just using our car to test interest.

From what we can tell this is an exact copy, which of course breaks copy write laws in almost all markets worldwide; if these copies do arrive into markets where we are protected under copywriter law, we will take action against any company wishing to profit by reselling these copies.

As you know copies do appear from time to time, often targeting the most innovative designs; I hope we can count on your support in not assisting them in any way, in their unethical tactics.

As you know Durango has taken years to develop the DEX410 at considerable cost and the DEX410R will be arriving soon at a much more affordable price point. We know what it has taken to get this design to work and the high quality of materials required for such a car, it’s just not possible to cut corners.

Thanks in advance for your support,

Jason Dearden
Team Durango

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